Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 29: 4 weeks already!

Breakfast: oatmeal w/ milk (thanks to my wonderful husband who made it for me while I was out shoveling snow), fruit & yogurt smoothie, egg
Snack: half a dozen cookies
Lunch: leftover veggie smothered baked potato, breakfast casserole
Dinner: Salmon Burgers, steamed green beans
Snack: a bit of popcorn, an apple, and 5 chocolate graham crackers...and really, I shouldn't have eaten any of it...

Exercise: 40 minutes of snow shoveling. It really was a workout today, too. I came in all red-faced and sore.

Aside from my cookies, I had a fair day. I've only got 3 chapters of Lemon with Water left to read. I still haven't made notes and put my thoughts down on it, but I have been marking passages that I want to remember, and I'm planning on sharing those.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sure there is a ton of snow this winter to keep you in shape!!