Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 38: Oh, glorious progress!

Breakfast: turkey bacon, malt-o-meal w/ milk (Sydney's request)
Snack: fruit & yogurt parfait (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries & bananas)
Lunch: slice of pizza, breadstick, no-bakes
Dinner: Mexican LaZonya, broccoli w/ fat-free dip

Exercise: 5-10 minutes of jumping rope

Lessons learned from jumping rope:
1. It's been a LONG time since I've seriously done it...since elementary school!
2. 11-month old babies get a thrill out of seeing their moms jump.
3. "Dora the Explorer" jump ropes hurt your feet if you step on them over and over.
4. My bladder is not strong at all. Really.
5. Jumping rope is a crazy workout. I seriously needed to stop after doing it. I was all red & out of breath. My heart needed a break! And dinner needed to be finished.

I know I didn't have a perfect day, but now that it has come to an end, I feel really good about it. I wasn't sure how dinner would be because it was basically an enchilada with tons of veggies in it. But I'm now a believer! It was so good.

Sydney really wanted cookies tonight, so I made chocolate & peanut butter chip cookies. I only baked 6 and froze the rest of the dough in ready-to-make balls. (You will be glad to hear that I'm now out of chocolate & pb chips.) And, get this...I didn't eat ANY! Not even a lick of the spoon, bowl or beater. Nada! I can't tell you how proud I am of myself. It was really hard to resist, but I did it for my health. (Yes, I even thought that!)

I also made Homemade Turkey Sausage tonight. I got all of the sausage patties made and then froze them for whenever we decide we want sausage. I'm excited. I still need to make my "Breakfast in a Cookie" so that I have them around for a quick breakfast or snack or dessert.

Okay, and the last thing, because I know I've already said a lot tonight. (Possibly an indication of my positive mood?) In Lickety-Split Meals, Zonya tells how to make your own flavored yogurt using plain yogurt. I am not a fan of plain yogurt. Yuck! However, I found some good, fat-free organic plain yogurt and decided to give it a try. I think I finally got the balance down of how much sugar I like in it (about 1/2 of what she recommends, I think), and I loved my vanilla yogurt today.

And that's all she wrote.


Amanda said...

You cracked me up with the jump rope tidbit. It's so funny, because that happened to me last week. My sister bought my girls Dora and Barbie jump ropes, and I thought I was going to pass out! I seriously need some practice, but nah....don't want too.

Erin L said...

Jumping rope was harder than I remembered too, when I did it a few years ago. But it is good exercise!

Vanessa said...

I had to laugh about the Jump rope too! The whole bladder thing,every time I sneeze I get scared something other than boogers and snot is going to come out! HAHAHAHAH!

ollie said...

I almost peed my pants when I read "Dora the explorer jump ropes hurt" and "my bladder isn't very stong." Ha!!!!! We are so much alike it's not even funny!