Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 34: Saturday is a special day...

Breakfast: Glazed Cinnamon Nut Bun (homemade & YUM!), scrambled egg, 1/2 of a grapefruit
Lunch: Turkey Bacon Guacamole sub at Quiznos (less than 500 was the best I could do at the time)
Snack: part of a cinnamon nut bun as I prepared dinner
Dinner: Guiltless Nachos Supreme, 2 more cinnamon nut buns
Exercise: none
My lesson for the day: DO NOT wait until you are too hungry to eat. I put off getting a snack in the afternoon in order to do other things, but by evening I was famished. I couldn't stop with just my dinner. Now all I want is a huge glass of water & then some.


Merri Hackett said...

Here's an article that you might be interested in.

Keri said...

Thanks, Merri. It was good. I even printed it off & will put it to use TODAY.