Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 44: More like it

Breakfast: 2 Breakfast Cookies, glass of milk (Yes, it's a Zonya recipe...great to have on hand when there's no time for breakfast.)
Lunch: White Beans with Tomato, Basil & Parmesan, corn bread, veggies w/ dip
Dinner: LaZonya
Snack: apple w/ peanut butter, 2 servings of tortilla chips

Exercise: 20+ minutes of TaeBo

I feel like I had a good day. I did over do it on the chips, but I felt like I needed something. (Hey, I ate dinner at 4:30pm!) I've kept up on my water, too. Sydney was begging me to make no-bakes tonight (she doesn't always want them when I make them). I kept having to show her that Dad hid the cocoa, and I don't know where it's at. Cookies were not a temptation for me today. On another kid note: It makes me feel so good seeing Sydney eat raw veggies like broccoli, cauliflower & cucumbers, just to name a few. She'll even eat them without dip! Jenna even tried eating an entire head of cauliflower yesterday after I had rinsed it off. Now that was a funny sight! I look forward to bettering myself & also improving the eating habits of my entire family. Oh, and one more thing...I snuck and weighed myself this morning. It was good news, but you'll have to wait until Saturday to see the results. :)


Vanessa said...

I'm glad it was a better day for you...I am so tired of food. I wish all we had to do was pop a pill and that was the end of it. It seems like when I do have a good day it is ruined by a kind neighbor bringing over delicious goodies for me to devour. Wow! I could go on for days...just ignore me. Keep up the good work..can't wait to see your progress on Saturday!

ollie said...

you can do it girl! keep it up!

Amanda said...

Good for you Keri!!! By the way, thanks so much for the phone call the other day. That was so thoughtful of you. I got all the stuff to make the granola yesterday and I'm going to try it out this afternoon....I'm really excited about it and I HATE cooking....go figure?!