Thursday, February 7, 2008

Day 32: Meal Switcheroo

Breakfast: lasagna
Lunch: Honey-Nut Cheerios w/ milk & a banana
Snack: apple w/ peanut butter
Dinner: lasagna (2 servings)
Snack: 1 Hershey's kiss

Exercise: just a few minutes of floor exercises while playing with the girls. My evenings have not been conducive for me to go to the gym the past few nights. Excuses, excuses...

About my eating today...I know it was strange. (My sister, Dixie, used to always eat leftovers for breakfast, but that has never appealed to me.) For some reason, lasagna is what sounded good, so that's what I had. Of course, I did the same thing for lunch. Yeah, it's been a strange eating day.

1 comment:

Merri Hackett said...

Come to the gym in the morning w/ me! I usually leave at 6:15 and get back at 7:30. Tammy comes too. It's way to hard for me to go in the evening.