Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 39: Not so bad

Breakfast: oatmeal w/ milk (thanks again, Randy!), cottage cheese, peaches
Snack: 3 cookies
Lunch: Mexican LaZonya
Snack: more cookies...lots
Dinner: Miracle Soup, crackers (Basically a veggie soup. It's a negative calorie food, which means it provides fewer calories than it takes to actually digest it. A 1 1/2 cup serving--which fills a bowl--is only 70 calories. And I was more than filled after eating dinner! I need to eat more of this soup!)

Exercise: 1 hour, 15 minutes of HARD snow shoveling...broken up into 20 or 25 minute segments...It was that challenging!

I know, I know--the cookies. I ended up eating what was leftover from last night, and then making another small batch. And I ate them (& shared a few with my girls). However, I don't feel guilty one bit. I was WAY more active than normal today, and not just with snow shoveling. My dinner was also only 200 calories total. No evening snack, just lots of water. Go, Keri!


ollie said...

Dang girl.... you're worse than me when it comes to the sweets. LOL!!! I think you're just gonna have to throw out all your cookie making stuff in the house so you CAN'T make them any more. You gotta do it! I had to!

Vanessa said...

You know I think it make it worse when you feel guilty about things. So keep a positive attitude.