Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 45: Hesitation to post...

Breakfast: malt-o-meal w/ milk, egg
Lunch: LaZonya
Snack: LOTS of cake cookies
Dinner: veggies w/ dip
Dessert: MORE cake cookies
Snack: Randy's leftover Panda Express

Exercise: a few minutes of jump roping...Not enough to even claim, though.

My eating has been outrageous today. This is getting ridiculous! I went light on my dinner knowing that I had eaten so many cookies--and knowing I would eat the rest. It's truly embarrasing to even write this down. I have gotten lots of great advice, but I need to put it to work and change. It seems like I'm on a roller coaster...I just don't know how to get off. You think I might take some of your advice seriously??


Tammy said...

ok, so you should start coming to the gym with Merri and I in the morning. We leave for golds' at like 5:45am. So if you want to come let me know. It's way better exercise motivation if you have partners or groups. We aren't great about every morning, but...we might start doing p90x on the mornings that wes has to leave really early.

Keri said...

Tammy--I guess I need to just bite the bullet and stop nursing Jenna in the mornings. She's 11 1/2 months old now, so I should start weaning her anyway. She normally nurses anywhere between 5:30 and 7am, but, I do need to get to the gym. That will at least help me with the exercise part.

I'm warning you, though...I'm WAY more out of shape than you and Merri!

Merri Hackett said...

You could just wake Jenna up everyday at 5:30 and then come w/ us at 5:45 or does she nurse longer than that?

Merri Hackett said...

What are cake cookies, they sound good. :)

Merri Hackett said...

Someone should create a 12 step program for us candy/sugar alcoholics, like AAA. I'd go!

Merri Hackett said...

Also next time you're craving sweets drink a large glass of water and wait 5 minutes and see if you're still craving something. Ok sorry so many comments!

Keri said...

Oh, cake cookies are BAD, BAD, BAD! It's a box of chocolate cake mix, 3/4 c. butter, and 2 eggs. Mix it up, scoop into cookies, bake at 350 for 10 minutes & frost with a white glaze-type frosting. So unhealthy, but so good to eat on occasion.

Vanessa said...

OK Keri, I think I am going to make my Food diary public, You were my inspiration so there are a few things patterned after yours. Hope thats ok? I am not near as detailed as you have been, I think I will be after I have this baby. I am kind of in a stand still. But I am going to get down to after this thing comes out of me!

ollie said...

Keri you little stinker!!!! Get that junk out of your house!!!! lol!!!! You and I are just alike and the only thing that has worked for me is to NOT have it in the house. Period. You can't even have the ingredients to make the stuff. Don't go down those isles at the super market. If you need a new spice, go to one of those goofy nature stores where they don't put them next to the cake mixes. Trust me, it'll work. And if it doesn't, you can curse me all you like!!! ;-)