Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 50

Pre: a few ounces of oj
Breakfast: egg, cheerios w/ milk, banana
Lunch: Unstuffed Peppers, apple crisp
Snack: graham cracker, a sip or two of a fruit smoothie at my neighbors--Jenna hogged the rest!
Dinner: Oven-Baked Lentils & Rice, steamed veggies, salad
Snack (I was so hungry!): pudding w/ whipped cream, chips (several handfuls) I know what I ate wasn't the greatest, but again, I'm not going to feel badly about eating when I was hungry. I'll work on making better choices, though.

Exercise: walked 2.6 miles in 42 minutes on the treadmill, then did weights for my arms for about 10 minutes. I also did the rowing machine for 2 minutes before I got on the treadmill, so my legs felt like noodles when I started walking. AND I took my girls on a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. It was so sunny & beautiful! (By the way, I noticed my crocuses are starting to pop out of the ground...the first sign that spring is on it's way!)


Erin L said...

I'd love your lentils recipe. Was it tasty?

Amanda said...

Man, you were an exercising machine today. Way to go. By the way, I guess your mom was talking to my mom, and today my mom ordered the whole Zonya collection.....book, cookbook, workout video. The works. She's really excited. Now I don't have to order the cookbook......I'll just use her's. I'm pretty excited as well.

ollie said...

Awesome Keri!!! You're totally showing me up. I still haven't stepped into the realm of exercising. Ugh... I don't want to....

btw... I want the lentil and rice recipe too!!!!!

Janae said...

I have tons of lentils and never know what to do with them--please post!