Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 47: Woo Hoo!!

Breakfast: 2 waffles, oj
Lunch: chili pasta stuff
Dinner: Skillet Mixed Veggies w/ Cheese, cottage cheese, peaches
Dessert: fudgesicle + 2 graham crackers...I was starving!

Exercise: Aside from taking a walk around the block, I WENT TO THE GYM!!! I hadn't been in over a year and a half! Not wanting to over do it and give myself a heart attack, I walked 2.6 miles on the treadmill in 50 minutes. Don't laugh.... I was able to keep my heart rate in a good range. I have a tendency to want to just run when I'm on the treadmill (as slow as I may be with my short legs), but I'm going to try to just build myself up to it. I don't want to kill myself by overdoing it.

It has turned out to be another great day. I can only take each day one at a time, so I'm proud of what I've accomplished today. My weight was down 1/2 a lb. It had been down a full pound earlier this week, but I had a rough day between then and now. My measurements went down, though. I'm losing, and that's what I'm seeking. Hooray for a good day!


Amanda said...

Yeah for a good day and a better week. You're getting me excited about getting with it too. By the way, I'm kinda copying your layout as well. Hope you don't mind?!

Erin L said...

I have such a hard time at the gym. Good for you. I would rather do it outside. Way to go!!!

Vanessa said...

Way to go! I can't wait to get out there and run off my tummy leftovers. That sounds gross. I am glad you had a good day!

ollie said...

YEAH!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Don't you just LOVE to see the scale go down no matter how much it is?????? Congrats girl for going to the gym... now if only I can muster up the energy to exercise!