Monday, February 11, 2008

Days 35 & 36: Frustrated

Breakfast: cheerios w/ milk, banana
Lunch: kickin' chicken w/ fries, green beans
Snack: lots of cookies
Dinner: Skillet Chicken & Veggies, sweet potato, salad
Dessert: more cookies. I ate at least a dozen more today.

Exercise: leisurely 35 minute walk around the neighborhood.

Breakfast: cinnamon nut bun, turkey bacon, banana
Snack: small serving of oatmeal w/ milk
Lunch: sweet & sour stir fry w/ rice
Dinner: sweet & sour stir fry w/ rice
Dessert: lots of my chocolate & peanut butter chip cookies. Probably a dozen.

Exercise: none

I'm just really frustrated with myself. I've stalled for nearly a month in losing any weight. I struggle so much with my sweet tooth & overeating. The nutritional value of the meals I make is's just the other crap I eat & continuing to eat just because it tastes good. I've just hit one of those "walls". Not sure what I need to do for myself. Any advice or suggestions? Ollie, what have you been doing that you can share?


Emily said...

Keep going Keri! You are an inspiration no matter how much you lose. Good luck!

Merri Hackett said...

You should come to the gym in the morning with me and Tammy. Although I've noticed that since we've been going I've been so hungry all day I've been eating a lot more! :) But maybe you should focus more on how your clothes fit rather than weight, because muscle weighs more than fat, but it looks better! :)

Merri Hackett said...

Another idea I have heard is that when you're craving candy or sweets go brush your teeth and drink a large glass of water. And another thing I have done is chew gum when I am craving candy and chocolate. Also don't buy chocolate chips or other ingredients you need to make the cookies. That way when you're craving them you'll have to drive all the way to the store to buy the stuff, by then you might change your mind.

Erin L said...

All of those suggestions are great! I think exercise is a big deal, too. I think too, how you feel about yourself is the more important than weight. Eating right and exercise have way more benefits than can be seen on a scale. I always like to see what you're eating cuz it gives me great ideas. You are so good at getting lots of veggies in and I need help doing that!

Amber said...

I used to love to make desserts and cookies but after gaining 20+ pounds after my first kid I decided to cut way back. I still bake every once in a while but make smaller portions. I do so much better when it is not in the house. I like what meri said about keeping all the ingredients out of the house. Also, if you do make something keep a couple for yourself and give the rest to your neighbors.

Janae said...

I'm always reading stuff about health cuz i'm a fanatic, and I've really liked the book "The Skinny" lately. It's probably like Dr. Phil's book--helps you realize that hunger is different from appetite, and that you don't have to finish your meals all the time. Portion control, emotions, etc. it has it all. I haven't finished reading it but what I have read makes sense. You could check it out from the library and see if it helps.

ollie said...

Keri I am so much like you it's creepy! I am a HUGE sugar bum and could out-eat anybody in a cookie eating contest. Shane makes fun of me because I eat sweets until I make myself sick. So since you asked, here is what I've been doing: Weight watchers points. Goodness gracious I love it. I can literally eat WHATEVER I want. On Sundays we have "breakfast for dinner" and so we had waffles and sausage. Got to eat that. Oh yeah! So here's the kicker -- everything (and I mean everything) has a point value. Based on certain things everyone has a certain amount of points they HAVE to eat every day. Also, you are given extra points for the week that you can choose to use or not (I always use them). Plus, exercising gives you more points. So here's the deal: I am finding myself not wanting candy and such because I want to EAT. If I go and eat a bunch of candy bars, I don't get to eat. Not cool. You should so try weight watchers. I already really like the meetings and it totally works (so far!!!! lol)