Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 46: Up Day

Breakfast: 2 waffles (made w/ 1/2 wheat flour), oj
Lunch: southwest chili over pasta (or something like that), 2 graham crackers
Snack: apple
Dinner: 1 1/2 servings of Hot & Spicy Pizza with Sausage. It was really simple & good! I'll definitely be making it again.

Exercise: none

Last night I thought a lot about what I've been doing. There is so much good and true information out there. I believe I have the correct information to eat right and become more healthy. I've decided that another book or another program isn't what I need at this point. I just need to buckle down and do it. (Of course, will power won't always win, so I plan to re-read my Dr. Phil book, which will help with some of the other issues that drive my eating.) I will succeed!

I had a much better day today. I just got back from taking Sydney to get a free ice cream cone at Arctic Circle. Randy was surprised when I came home without anything for myself. Believe me, it was an internal battle--but I saved myself both calories and money! I've also made a decision about exercising. My neighbors, Merri and Tammy, go to the gym each morning. I've hesitated going because they go during the time Jenna wakes up to nurse in the morning. That being said, I took the plunge today and gave Jenna her first sippy cup with milk. She had absolutely no problem with liking it. So, this coming week, I'll be up early going to the gym. I wish Randy the best with waking up to give Jenna milk. Tammy & Merri, don't leave without me!


ollie said...

Whoa! You're a brave soul goin' out that early in the morning to exercise. Those friends of yours are dedicated! You're really lucky to have them!!!

You're doin' great girl, don't give up!

Tammy said...

I am so glad you decided to come with us. It can only be helpful to your progress. It is the BEST motivation when you know other people are up and waiting for you...except that didn't work for me yesterday, but normally it does. we can do it, together!