Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 51: Feeling it

Pre: a few ounces of oj
Breakfast: cheerios w/ milk, banana, 2 slices turkey bacon. (I don't normally eat much cold cereal, but I've been so starved after working out that it's the quickest thing that sounds good.)
Lunch: Lentils & Rice, raw broccoli & cauliflower in dip
Snack: Peanut butter cookies, a lot
Dinner: Mexican LaZonya
Snack: more cookies. I'm all cookied out tonight after eating more than a dozen today. Yuck!

Exercise: 2.35 miles in 38 minutes on the treadmill, 5 minutes on the rowing machine (highest resistance), 5 minutes of free weights (5 lbs) with arms & some leg stuff AND another walk w/ my girls (20 minutes this time)

I forgot to say this yesterday, but I definitely noticed a difference with how my pants felt. They seemed so baggy. I'm defninitely feeling good about where I'm at with my food choices & getting my exercise in. Yes, I'm definitely tired from waking up at 5:30am (and I've required some naps), but it feels so good. I'm so grateful to have friends to go to the gym with!

I made the cookies today because I felt hungry. I should have just eaten an apple. I ended up eating so many again. Now that it's the end of the day, I'm wondering if I was eating to supress some unpleasant feelings...


Amanda said...

Yeah, I'm terrible about getting enough fruits and veggies. I need to train myself to go for that as a snack instead of something else, but I just haven't gotten there yet. A work in progress......

Vanessa said...

Man you did a lot of exercise! Thats good. I don't know what I would do if there wasn't such a thing as cold cereal.

ollie said...

5:30 am???? Sheesh.... I wish I had some friends to do that with. I could NOT do that on my own. why can't I have friends like that????

Karianne said...

Hi. You don't know me. I'm Erin's sister. Anyway, I want to start losing weight and was wondering what system you are using to plan/track your eating habits. I'm just trying to get some ideas.
p.s. I would LOVE to be 135 lbs. I can't believe you are trying to LOSE!!!